Donatella Termini
Palermo's University
Donatella Termini, Ph.D., Full professor of Hydraulics, Palermo's University (Italy) and affiliated member of NBFC, National Biodiversity Future Center, Palermo (Italy). Donatella Termini is an expert in environmental risk and anthropic interactions, with more of thirty-years of experience in experimental and numerical research.Present research efforts include the investigation in fluvial hydraulics and eco-hydraulics (flow resistance, effect of vegetation, sediment transport, effects of bed roughness), prediction of river morphological evolution (meandering and braiding) both through experimental investigations and by the development of numerical simulation codes, machine learning application in discrete systems.More than 200 papers published in proceedings of national and international congresses and in international scientific journals. Leader or collaborator of national or EU research projects and Guest Editor of International Journals. -2019. Visiting Professor for didactic and research activities at “Federal Rural University” of Pernambuco (Brazil) (November 2019), Queen’s University - Kingston – Ontario – Canada(October2019,October 1997, May-August 1993), IGB - Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, IGB, Germany (August-October 2015). Co-author of two patents. She received the following Awards: 2007 Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize,2018 Premio Sapio,2019 International Award of Best Researcher, 2020 AI & Robotic for Climate Change Award, 2022 Premio ITWIIN, 2023 Double Gold Inventor Award. She is a leader or collaborator of national or EU research projects. Guest Editor of international journals (Journal Advances in Water Resources, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Applied Sciences, Water); Associate Editor of Frontiers in Water - Water and Hydrocomplexity; Member of Editorial Boards (Nova Publisher, New York; IJMES;Earth Sciences); Member of Intenational Associations (IAHR, EUROMECH, IAHS, iEMSS); Member Alumni DAAD.